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Levies & compliance submissions

11 June 2024
  • Proposed Changes to the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy – TIA Submission

    11 June 2024

    Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) welcomes the opportunity to submit on MBIE’s discussion document on proposed changes to the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL).

    Download (321 KB)
  • Submission on Health and Safety at Work (Adventure Activities) Regulations

    18 April 2023

    We support the intent to further strengthen the risk management processes we have in place with regard to natural hazards.

    Download (329 KB)
  • Submission to WorkSafe on the Proposed Changes to the Safety Audit Standard

    25 November 2022

    TIA supports WorkSafe taking a stronger role in the sector providing that ‘a stronger role’ manifests as education and engagement, both as equally important as enforcement.

    Download (278 KB)
  • Submission to MBIE on the Immigration Funding Model: Interim Fee and Levy Review

    22 March 2022

    The tourism industry needs a strong immigration service that effectively manages the risks and costs associated with internationals visiting and working in New Zealand. The industry is a significant user of immigration services.

    Download (279 KB)
  • Submission to New Zealand Customs and Ministry for Primary Industries

    1 July 2021

    TIA opposes any increase to the Border Processing Levy collected from all international travellers by New Zealand Customs and the Ministry for Primary Industries to cover the cost of border processing services.

    Download (173 KB)
  • Department of Conservation: Review of the Percentage Revenue Framework

    26 March 2021

    The mechanisms that set the fees paid by concessionaires on conservation lands are a critical matter for these operators. TIA's submission seeks a system that is based on clear principles, takes into account the operating realities of operators and is simple to work with.

    Download (160 KB)

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners