Submission to the Department of Conservation's Consultation on Reform Proposals
28 February 2025
The three key outtakes of the submission related to: 1) embedding tourism in the conservation management system; 2) concession certainty; and 3) equitable access charging.
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New Zealand’s Second Emissions Reduction Plan: TIA Submission
6 December 2024
Tourism Industry Aotearoa welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Discussion Document Aotearoa New Zealand’s 2035 International Climate Change Target.
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Climate Change Commission Consultation: TIA Submission
31 May 2024
Tourism Industry Aotearoa welcomes the opportunity to submit on the three consultation reports of the Climate Change Commission (the Commission) as it prepares its final advice to Government by the end of 2024.
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Draft Tourism Environment Action Plan
19 July 2023
TIA strongly supports the draft Environment ITP report, with the six Tirohanga Hou reflecting both the specific actions identified, and also how the wider system may need to be changed to enable these priority actions to be advanced.
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Resource Management Reforms submission
5 February 2023
With tourism so integrated within and across the New Zealand economy, society and environment, it is essential that the new resource management system works effectively and efficiently for this important industry.
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Submission on proposed changes to New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
6 October 2022
TIA supports the important behaviour change and environmental outcomes that can be gained from the ETS over time. Our key concern is around whether large fluctuations take place in the unit price, which would result in uncertainty for the sectors involved, which increases the risks for these businesses around pricing their products and services in the near term. As a long game, it is essential that trust and confidence in the system is a key consideration.
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Submission to the Department of Conservation on Conservation Management and Processes
30 June 2022
The key three points TIA raised related to: 1) ensuring more flexibility in the statutory planning processes; 2) ensuring more work is needed before the proposal to increase the ability to tender for concessions; and, 3) that the scope of the changes should be widened to include other known and solvable aspects of the concession process.
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Submission to the Department of Conservation on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing Visitor Management Consultation
10 June 2022
TIA supports the introduction of a booking system to manage visitor volumes on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. We have made some recommendations on timing of implementation and visitor numbers.
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TIA submission on the Draft National Climate Change Adaption Plan
3 June 2022
TIA supports the direction of travel of this Plan. It will set up a wide push right across government and also provide ways for industries to engage. There are two tourism-specific Actions and we suggest that these be considerably widened.
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Submission to Ministry for the Environment – Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future
24 November 2021
We support the overall intent and ambition of the draft plan. Our comments are focussed on how the Plan can be strengthened to better recognise and meet the needs of the tourism industry, and indeed how the Plan can assist the tourism industry to achieve its own ambitions ahead of those set out in the Plan.
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Inquiry on the Natural and Built Environments Bill
4 August 2021
TIA supports the need for reform of the Resource Management Act. But we say that great care and attention is needed in establishing the new legislation; and then equal care, attention and funding will be needed for its implementation, to ensure a practical, fair and widely beneficial resource allocation process.
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Submission on Transport Emissions: Pathways to Net Zero by 2050
25 June 2021
TIA sees the Green Paper as another important component of the comprehensive and building Government response to enabling Aotearoa New Zealand to meet its 2050 net zero emissions target. We fully support the intent of this paper.
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Submission to Department Of Conservation on Te Pēwhairangi (Bay of Islands) Marine Mammal Sanctuary Proposal
18 May 2021
TIA is supportive of a strengthened and considered response to managing the bottlenose population in the Bay of Islands. The demise of the population is concerning and it would be a tragedy if this species were to become locally extinct. TIA recommends a focus on the species at risk rather than the entire marine system, as well as a stronger focus on research and education.
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Department of Conservation: Review of the Percentage Revenue Framework
26 March 2021
The mechanisms that set the fees paid by concessionaires on conservation lands are a critical matter for these operators. TIA's submission seeks a system that is based on clear principles, takes into account the operating realities of operators and is simple to work with.
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Climate Change Commission - 2021 Draft Advice for Consultation
28 March 2021
TIA strongly supports the intent and the substance of the material contained in the Commission’s draft Advice. The Advice will provide the Government with a clear way forward to activate the entire New Zealand system towards achieving our emission reduction targets. We support the 2050 goal and first three emissions budgets. Our key question is: are we going far enough, quickly enough; are we being ambitious enough?
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