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Tikanga Māori

Online resources

19 June 2024
  • Where to learn te reo Māori anywhere in Aotearoa, for free or next to nothing

    The Spinoff rounds up some resources for learning te reo, from in-person classes around the country to online tools and apps.

    Where to learn te reo Māori anywhere in Aotearoa, for free or next to nothing
  • A Māori word a day

    NZHistory.govt has compiled 365 useful Māori words and phrases, from greetings to days of the week to objects.

    A Māori word a day
  • 'Kupu - take a photo, learn a language' te reo app

    The Kupu app allows users to take a photo of an object and receive a translation in te reo, including a guide to pronounciation. Available on both the Apple App Store or Google Play.
  • The Māori Macron Restoration Service

    Automatically adds macrons to words.

    The Māori Macron Service

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners