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Tikanga Māori

Māori dictionary

19 June 2024

As well as the words one would expect in a traditional dictionary, Te Aka has encyclopaedic entries including the names of plants and animals (especially native and endemic species), stars, planets and heavenly bodies, important Māori people, key ancestors of traditional narratives, tribal groups and ancestral canoes. Māori names for institutions, country names, place names and other proper names are also provided.

There are also explanations of key concepts central to Māori culture. Comprehensive explanations for grammatical items are included, with examples of usage, as are idioms and colloquialisms with their meanings and examples. These have all been included because they are important in communicating in a Māori context, and contribute to understanding and speaking the language in a natural way. Many of the separate meanings of each headword now have example sentences with translations.

This dictionary is indexed to the Te Whanake Māori language series of narrative texts and resources, giving you quick access to topics, grammatical and usage explanations, idioms and colloquialisms, maps and illustrations.

Visit the Māori dictionary 

Thanks to our Strategic Partners


Thanks to our Strategic Partners

Tourism Industry New Zealand Trust