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Sustainable tourism in the Waikato

9 January 2024

Ask tourism businesses what their driving passions are and the answer might surprise you. While they are naturally focussed on providing great experiences, so many are also doing important conservation work. We love the mahi of Dave Kilmister, of Huka Falls River Cruise. As well as giving visitors a close up look at the mighty Waikato, Dave and his small staff have for 22 years acted as guardians of the Aratiatia scenic reserve - weeding it, keeping it tidy and trapping predators. The results of their efforts have been rewarded by visibly more morepork, kereru and whiteheads returning to the river. In his operations, Dave uses clean burning fuel and a hull which minimises his wake. He offsets his carbon emissions and is actively involved in native replanting programmes in the area. The business also has an annual "locals day" to raise funds for charity. Dave's initiatives are supported by Greening Taupo, DOC and Mercury Energy. He is a great example of the phrase "regenerative tourism" - leaving a place better than it was.

Check out more great tourism stories here.

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Tourism Industry New Zealand Trust