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New Zealand Tourism Awards

Why enter?

The New Zealand Tourism Awards are an opportunity to celebrate excellence in our industry. These prestigious awards recognise the outstanding contributions of our tourism operators, serving as a beacon of inspiration for others in the industry to aspire to and achieve greatness.   

Entering the awards offers numerous benefits for both finalists and winners: 

SHOWCASE: Showcase what makes your business outstanding in its field. Many finalists and winners have enjoyed greater exposure, access to top talent and other profile-raising opportunities. 

PROMOTION: Promote the fantastic work you are doing. Boost team morale, generate media coverage and add a new dimension to your marketing efforts. Finalists and winners will be able to tap into TIA’s comprehensive awards marketing programme. 

INFLUENCE: Join a select group of award recipients whose stories have directly shaped and influenced the New Zealand industry. 
INSPIRE: Be uniquely positioned to inspire industry peers along the path towards a truly regenerative visitor industry. 

Check out the Awards Categories and Enter Here.


“To us, the wins affirmed that regenerative tourism is more than just a dream, and that visitors can support globally leading environment and community outcomes like those created by our small not-for-profit. Since the 2023 awards, we have seen an increase in requests for tours, functions and visits from local, national and international audiences, and we have just delivered our biggest summer season ever.”


Danielle Shanahan, CEO, Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne

- Winners of the Air New Zealand Supreme Tourism Award 2023
and airbnb Tourism Excellence Award (Small-Medium Business) 2023

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners

Thanks to our strategic partners