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Strategic Projects

Four weeks of wellbeing: #feelgoodtourism

1 September 2022

In the midst of everything that is happening in our professional and personal lives, the need to attend to our own personal wellbeing has never been more important.  

As many of you will be aware, the 2021 TIA member survey highlighted significant levels of anxiety being felt in the industry. 

More recently, results from this year's Workforce & Industry Readiness survey mention the requirement for owners, operators and managers to take on increasingly greater workloads due to workforce shortages and burnout. 

Mental Health Awareness Week occurs at the end of September. The theme for this year’s campaign is 'Reconnect with the people and places that lift you up'. This resonated with us at TIA and we thought a focus on mental health and wellbeing for the month of September would be a good use of our time. 

In this context, we have created a four-week campaign called #feelgoodtourism that we’d love for you to share with your networks and join in the activity. We hope you can add some useful tools to your wellbeing toolbox, and reach out to others to help build up their resilience.

View the campaign

Thanks to our Strategic Partners


Thanks to our Strategic Partners

Tourism Industry New Zealand Trust