TIA is of the view that tourism takes place in the backyards of New Zealanders, making it important that this relationship works well.
Tourism delivers significant benefits to the communities in which it operates, including jobs, business opportunities, community vibrancy, better transport links, more and better amenities, amongst others. On the other hand, communities are sensitive to overcrowding, unsafe driving and poor behaviour, and these areas need to be managed.
TIA partners with TNZ and DOC on the Views on Tourism: New Zealand survey which tracks community views on tourism over time and assesses community sentiment towards tourism and how they see the benefits and the areas to be improved. This survey finds high level of agreement that ‘Tourism is Good for New Zealand’ (95%).
The Tiaki Promise also has an important role to play in helping to ensure that visitors are good visitors as they travel around our country.
Regionally based Destination Management Plans have been prepared to reflect community views and aspirations. Implementing these plans is important for ongoing support and engagement.