TIA strongly supports ongoing Government funding for Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) to market Aotearoa New Zealand internationally as a high-quality visitor destination. Demand stimulation from effective destination marketing is a proven tool for growing and shaping tourism.
TIA supports the direct benefits to tourism from the work of TNZ, and the wider impact it has on Aotearoa New Zealand’s overall brand.
TNZ’s efforts generate a ‘halo effect’ that extends beyond tourism, elevating Aotearoa New Zealand’s global profile and reputation. This impact supports other export sectors by driving international demand for Aotearoa New Zealand products from visitors and their connections such as wine, food, and more, benefiting the economy as a whole.
TIA advocates both for the reinstatement of TNZ’s budget and that adjustments are made to consider the increasing costs of its marketing functions in a highly competitive global tourism market. On a normal basis, TIA does not support topping up TNZ’s budget from the IVL as we see destination marketing as a core government function in the New Zealand operating context.
TNZ has an essential role in shaping the nature of demand with the objective of ensuring our manuhiri are quality and high value visitors that contribute positively to Aotearoa New Zealand. TIA support TNZ’s strategy to rebalance peak and off-peak tourism demand to enable better use of New Zealand’s tourism assets and workforce.