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Policy Positions — Industry Issues

Culture and Heritage

18 December 2023

Who we are as New Zealanders is an essential part of who we are as a visitor destination.  

Culture and Heritage has many forms: our indigenous Māori culture and all the other cultures that now make up Aotearoa New Zealand, whether from the Pacific islands, many European cultures, from across Asia, and many other places. Each culture adds to the fabric of who we are as a country and as a destination.         

The unique history of Aotearoa New Zealand forms the stories of our place that enriches the experiences of our domestic and international visitors.  

Cultural arts are an important part of who we are as a nation and provide an important reason to travel, whether through events such as Matatini cultural festival, World of Wearable Arts, Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts, and many others.  

TIA supports the vibrancy and reasons to travel that our culture and heritage stimulates and values the contribution visitors make to the viability of many of our culture and heritage activities and assets.

Thanks to our Strategic Partners


Thanks to our Strategic Partners

Tourism Industry New Zealand Trust